Six priorities to promote digitization during the Swedish presidency
“Outside the EU, ambitions in digitization are increasing. The EU risks losing both market shares and competitiveness if the work is not pursued – within the EU and nationally. On January 1, Sweden takes over the presidency of the EU. During the first half of 2023, we can take further steps to promote digitization in the EU,” says Åsa Zetterberg, Managing Director of TechSverige.
DIGITALEUROPE, TechSverige and Teknikföretagen recommend focusing on the following priorities:
1. Time to break down single market barriers: Sweden should use its very developed ecosystem for startups to strengthen European competitiveness and break down remaining barriers to the internal market.
2. Cybersecurity: the stakes are high–the Cyber Resilience Act must provide for a practical implementation that will meet the ambitious goal it sets.
3. AI Act and Data Act: Increased use of data is essential for European competitiveness. There is a risk of over-regulation, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, and interference with freedom of contract.
4. Bridging the talent gap: The Swedish presidency should increase activities and ambitions to deal with the digital skills deficit that prevails throughout the EU.
5. Speeding up the twin digital and green transition: Technology and digitization enable climate change. Close cooperation between Member States, increased interoperability and a well-developed and reliable digital infrastructure will be crucial for the EU to achieve its climate and environmental goals.
6. Transatlantic cooperation & building alliances: Allies are important – the momentum of cooperation with the US in the Trade and Technology Council (TTC) must be maintained.
Link to joint statement:
Digitaleurope joint statement 221129 (pdf)