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How to protect your tech company & create competitive advantage




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IT&Telekomföretagen, PRV and Ignite Sweden invite to a webinar on how tech companies may obtain competitive advantage and secure important assets through strong legal protection.

During the one-hour webinar, experts will walk you through important aspects of IPR that a tech company could benefit from knowing. For example, what a trademark protection entails, if a tech company can gain exclusive rights to a specific technology, how to copyright software code and how to protect certain design?

We’ll take you through a case and give tips on how to go about to get the right help in protecting you company’s assets.

When: September 30th, 09h00-10h00
Where: Digital through Teams (link will be sent out to registered participants)
Registration: https://ui.ungpd.com/Events/90c85c03-9ad4-405c-ae01-605a5226e94e


  • What is a trademark? Most companies have a need to distinguish themselves from other companies. Hence, it is very important to gain exclusive right to use a specific trademark.
  • Lost in the patent jungle – we explain what applies! For what technology can a tech company gain exclusive right? Who can obtain a patent and for how long?
  • Copyright: software code is protected by copyright – make sure you have the right to both your own and others’ code.
  • What could be protected by design protection? Also tech companies have appearances and designs to maintain as their own. Graphic symbols, icons and fonts can all be protected.
  • Case: Through a fictive case we’ll be given a description as to which intangible assets a tech company might have and how to best gain, and maintain, control of them.
  • Advice and tips! We’ll finish off the webinar with some guidance and practical tips as to where and how you could find further information and assistance to protect you company’s assets.

There is a limited number of participants, so secure your place today!
