Areas of application
The Agile approach
Structure and general description
Definitions of different terms
General conditions
Related appendices – supplementary conditions
Risk and Profit-sharing Appendix
300 kr
900 kr exkl. moms för icke-medlemmar
These comments are intended to facilitate the use of Agile Project. They also clarify some questions in connection to Agile Project but are not part of Agile Project.
The standard agreements are purchased in bundles of 10 copies.
Printed standard agreements are purchased via print on demand: All our standard agreements are printed when the customer makes a purchase of printed standard agreements, so-called print on demand. When buying print on demand products, the right of withdrawal ends when the production of the product has started, this means that the purchase of printed standard agreements is binding.
Areas of application
The Agile approach
Structure and general description
Definitions of different terms
General conditions
Related appendices – supplementary conditions
Risk and Profit-sharing Appendix
För att få digital åtkomst behöver du abonnera på standardavtalen. Det kostar 6500kr SEK / år för medlemmar och 13000kr SEK / år för icke medlemmar. Du sparar både tid och miljö på det sättet.
TechSverige använder Svenskt Näringslivs inloggningstjänst. Om du inte har något Svenskt Näringslivs-konto, så skapar du det i nästa steg. När du loggat in via Svenskt Näringsliv, så skickas du tillbaka till TechSveriges sajt.