What you get as a member of TechSverige
An independent TechSverige will offer the best and most incisive expertise, with extensive knowledge of the conditions and challenges encountered by tech companies. As Sweden’s largest industry and employer organisation for tech companies, we are fully focused on ensuring that you have the best possible conditions to develop your company. We offer you everything you need to be the best employer for your employees. Membership of TechSverige provides you with access to a strong partner who supports you in a manner that frees up time for you to focus on other things.
An independent TechSverige will offer the best and most incisive expertise, with extensive knowledge of the conditions and challenges encountered by tech companies. As Sweden’s largest industry and employer organisation for tech companies, we are fully focused on ensuring that you have the best possible conditions to develop your company. We offer you everything you need to be the best employer for your employees. Membership of TechSverige provides you with access to a strong partner who supports you in a manner that frees up time for you to focus on other things.
By being more independent, TechSverige will be able to offer:
High-quality and industry-specific employer service
Membership will continue to include comprehensive information and free advice on employer issues through both digital and personal service.
Strengthened relations with trade union parties
We will continue to work together with our trade union partners to promote good conditions for the industry and relevant collective agreements.
A clearer voice for the creation of better conditions
TechSverige is a large and strong party within the framework of our collaboration within the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and is already an important and relevant influence in society. By being independent, we increase the clarity of our communication and can represent your interests more effectively in relation to public policy and employer policy issues.
Better opportunities to streamline operations
An independent TechSverige gives us better control and the opportunity to use our membership fees in an optimal manner, which may eventually enable us to offer reduced fees.
TechSverige will become independent from 1 January 2025, and our agreement with Almega will run as usual during 2024. This means that all members will receive the same support and service as before. In 2024 we will focus on preparing and implementing our new organisation so that it is ready to stand on its own two feet from the beginning of 2025.
We will now build up and further develop TechSverige’s employer service to ensure that we can meet your needs in the best possible manner.
In concrete terms, this entails the following for you as a member with a collective agreement:
- Labour law advice on various staff-related issues, reorganisations, work environment issues and all other issues that may arise in your role as an employer.
- Support in connection with trade union negotiations.
- Legal assistance in relation to labour law disputes, both during negotiations with trade unions and in court.
- Expertise and guidance on issues relating to pension, insurance, salary, work environment and skills supply.
- Training courses, events and networks.
- Digital support and templates available around the clock (equivalent to today’s Employer’s Guide).
- Good regional presence to support small and large member companies throughout the country.
- The collective agreement is not affected by the decision to withdraw from the collaboration with Almega, as our collective agreements are owned and signed by TechSverige as an association together with our trade union partners.
As a member, both with or without a collective agreement, you benefit from TechSverige’s lobbying and advocacy activities.
Membership of TechSverige provides you with the opportunity to influence decisions in areas where you, as an individual company, may otherwise find it difficult to make your voice heard. Together, we achieve better conditions for the tech industry and for our member companies through well-substantiated proposals, proactivity and a well-developed network of contacts with politicians and decision-makers. At the same time, through our leading expertise and responsiveness to your specific needs, we are able to quickly understand, evaluate and act on external factors and trends that may affect our industry to a large extent. During the year, we will, among other things, develop an employer policy agenda with the aim of influencing the design of legislation in the labour market area that is initiated nationally or by the EU.