IT Infrastructure Services: Special provisions for the processing of personal data (10 copies)

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These special provisions are intended to be used in conjunction with TechSverige's general provisions on IT infrastructure services if the supplier processes personal data on behalf of the customer within the framework of such a service.

The parties shall also ensure that the Appendix "Specification of the processing of personal data" is correctly completed at the latest in connection with the agreement.

These special provisions for the processing of personal data are intended to be used in conjunction with TechSweden's general provisions, they replace the general provisions' terms and conditions on the processing of personal data when the General Data Protection Regulation becomes applicable on May 25, 2018.

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Article number: T-037-P Categories: ,


Processing of personal data
Audit (review)
Remuneration for work performed
Liability under applicable data protection law
Duration of the contract and measures at the end of the contract