IT Services, General Provisions (10 copies)
300 kr
900 kr excl. VAT for non-members
IT services can be used for a wide range of IT-related services when a supplier is to perform a task for a customer without the task being to achieve a certain agreed result, which can be verified by an acceptance test. IT services refer to services performed on a fee-for-service basis, such as feasibility studies, project management, programming, design work, documentation work and other consulting services.
This standard contract is intended to apply to contracts for IT-related services. These general provisions are not intended to apply to contracts where the supplier has to achieve a specific result with agreed characteristics. These general conditions are annexed to the contract concluded by the parties. The Agreement and its annexes are hereinafter referred to as the Agreement. In the event of any contradiction in the Contract, the parts of the Contract drawn up by the parties shall prevail over these general conditions.
IT Services were updated in 2020 regarding personal data due to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).
The Swedish contracts are ordered in bundles of 10 copies in each bundle.
Printed standard contracts are purchased via print on demand: All our standard contracts are printed when the customer makes a purchase of printed standard contracts, so-called print on demand. When purchasing print on demand products, the right of withdrawal ends when the production of the product has begun, which means that the purchase of printed standard contracts is binding.
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